Standard Hinges
Standard Hinge Types
Whether your project requires continuous hinges, heavy duty hinges or strap hinges, Larsen & Shaw manufacture precision hinges with the highest standards of quality.
Our standard continuous hinges can be modified for many applications. Though Larsen & Shaw carries a wide range of standard inventory ranging in size and gauges from 0.024" to 0.180", we also specialize in customized continuous hinge products that can be tailored to meet your specific project goals.
Our standard continuous hinges can be constructed from stainless steel, plain steel, or aluminum. We also offer zinc, nickel or brass plating – along with a variety of other decorative plating options.
Continuous hinges are some of the most versatile and cost-effective hinges in the market and can be customized to fit your needs. Drill down to learn more about what is available in our inventory or contact Larsen & Shaw to discuss your particular requirements.